On demand Webinar

Income Lab and PreciseFP Integration Demo

To learn more about the PreciseFP and Income Lab integration, join Richard Thoeny and Justin Fitzpatrick, Co-Founder and CIO of Income Lab, for a special webinar illustrating how to utilize PreciseFP and Income Lab to improve client engagement and be more efficient during the retirement planning process.


Nora Gallegos

Financial Planning Thought Leader, PreciseFP

Richard Thoeny

Richard Thoeny

Executive Vice President of Product Strategy, PreciseFP

Justin Fitzpatrick, PhD

Co-Founder & CIO, Income Lab

Webinar_2Speakers (11)

Related Resources

"To anyone considering PreciseFP as a solution, just go ahead and jump in with both feet."

Read how US Air Force veteran, Andy Pike, used PreciseFP to increase his remote team’s operational efficiency through automation, customized forms, and comprehensive client data-gathering.