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On demand Webinar, Webinar

Early Engagement Matters: Ensure Your Client Taxes Are in Top Shape!

Navigating changes in your client’s taxes this year can be challenging. That’s why we suggest using PreciseFP and Holistiplan for taxes, and starting early is key! With these tools, you can quickly gather your clients’ 1040, plug it into Holistiplan, and get a detailed report. Find out the useful insights from Holistiplan’s report and learn to make this whole process easier with PreciseFP.


Nora Gallegos

Financial Planning Thought Leader, PreciseFP

Torie Happe

Webinar_Icons_GreenWatch (7)

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"The time saving is…probably like 75% of the draw. When we tell our advisors, ‘You could do this without doing all of that,’ they’re like, ‘Sign me up!’"
Natalie White, WMCP®
AmeriFlex® Premier Concierge

See how The AmeriFlex Group has customized the PreciseFP platform to create a branded experience for each office, allowing them to scale efficiently while maintaining personalized service for their clients.