One Drive

Microsoft’s One Drive provides access to files anywhere through secure cloud storage and file backup for your photos, videos, files and more.

How does the integration work?

This integration will automatically send all documents uploaded using PreciseFP to a designated folder in your One Drive account. You are also able to manually export all documents from a client or prospect account. All documents are neatly organized in folders with the client’s name and/or engagement date.

Read more in our knowledge base

"The time saving is…probably like 75% of the draw. When we tell our advisors, ‘You could do this without doing all of that,’ they’re like, ‘Sign me up!’"
Natalie White, WMCP®
AmeriFlex® Premier Concierge

See how The AmeriFlex Group has customized the PreciseFP platform to create a branded experience for each office, allowing them to scale efficiently while maintaining personalized service for their clients.