38% of Advisors Surveyed Use PreciseFP

By PreciseFP

We don’t like to brag, but… Who am I kidding, we love to brag!

Actually, the recently released Kitces Report: The Technology That Independent Financial Advisors Actually Use (And Like) tooted our horn for us. Their research indicated:

  • PreciseFP is by far the market leader, beating out even data gathering solutions offered by their financial planning software (we’re not surprised – theirs was an afterthough, ours is our raison d’être!)
  • Advisors are increasingly looking to tools that can populate data across multiple systems and not ‘just’ into the planning software itself
  • PreciseFP is well-positioned to gain market share both from advisors not previously using a data gathering tool, and those who are not sure what they will adopt (but are likely to end up with PreciseFP)

What’s interesting about the report is what it doesnt tell you. Truth be told, we could have also been listed under several other categories, such as: e-signature, Risk Assessment, and Lead Generation. I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: PreciseFP is anything but a one trick pony. Be sure to check out the many solutions that are part of the PreciseFP platform by visiting our Solutions page.

You can access the Kitces research paper in its entirety here.

Don Whalen, CFP®, President

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